Walter Schloss is one of the greatest value investors ever. Schloss had a career which spanned many decades from the early times of Ben Graham to the 2000s. Unforunately, Schloss never wrote any books nor are there many recommendations from the famed value investors. However, we were able to find a few books he recommended and one about Schloss which mostly come from a great talk which he gave at the Ivey School of Business in 2008. If you have any others please send us [email protected]
See the six books below
Also check out our full investor list of books here
Book Name | Author | Publish Date | Date recommended | Source |
value investing from graham | Bruce C. N. Greenwald & Judd Kahn & Paul D. Sonkin & Michael van Biema | 2004 | 2004 | Investors Archive |
The Memoirs of Walter J. Schloss | Walter J. Schloss | 2003 | 2003 | Investors Archive |
A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing | Thomas P. Au | 2004 | 2004 | Investors Archive |
The Intelligent Investor 3rd edition | Ben Graham | 1965 | 2008 | Ivey Interview |
Perkins The Internet Bubble | Michael and Anthony Perkins | 1999 | 2008 | Ivey Interview |
Security Analysis | Graham & Dodd | 1940 | 2008 | Ivey Interview |
An excerpt from the Ivey interview where Schloss discusses his time as a soldier in World War II
Well, I like to buy stocks that are hitting new lows. I like to look at the stocks, I incidentally find value line very helpful because I don’t have a computer and it’s easy to see the statistics then when I then the statistics, I can sort of make a judgment about the company I don’t really talk to the management. Back in the days when I started back, I was in World War II, I enlisted the day after Pearl Harbor and I was sent overseas to her and I’m just telling you this little background in life you sometimes are affected by what happens. We wanted to keep washer in World War II, in the World War 1, they collapsed and the Germans beat them and we were afraid that in World War II, that this would happen because of Russians were being beaten by the Germans and they decided they we couldn’t forgive them equipment through the Murmansk and the North Sea of Russia. So, that we decided to open a second front as it were by setting up we had a truck assembly plant there, we were the first troops there we had ordnance people who put the trucks together, you loaded them up with supplies, you drove it to the northern part of Iran and then turned it over the everything in the truck for the Russians. The Battle of Stalingrad was going on and that was probably the place where the Germans took a big beating because they never got any further and by doing this we kicked the Germans from going into back into France and as you remember a couple of years later, we invaded France and partly because the Germans wanted they’d be able to be there. So, I felt that it was a veryimportant thing we were doing but because we weren’t being killed nobody know anything about the Persian Gulf command that you might find it an interesting thing so when I came back with him about a year and a half and then I applied to go to officers Candidate School so they sent me back toUnited States in the United States, the Signal Corps was really the place where you learned about communications and I went in and that’s because I had enlisted, I, they say they sent me there and I got training and I was paid back the 15th of December remember Pearl Harbor was only December 7th and on January 31st, I was on my way to Washington did you see it, I’ve not sure if you’re aware of it but, before Pearl Harbor ,the Americans were trading in the south because it was warmer there and so that when we where the war broke out we didn’t have any communications to speak of and they were short cold clerks. So I became a cold clerk in Washington DC back in 1942 and I worked there for about six months and then the armyfounded a company called the 8:30 third signal service company with a bunch of cracker jack ham operators, people who really do something about the communications and since I was there a sergeant and I was kind of in charge of some of this stuff and I’monly telling this so you get a little background because after I’ve became an officer and they sent me that I didn’t, I the bed glad knew about me because I be sending a post card from time to time where I was and he won’t be, after World War II and I’m still in the army at the Pentagon in Washington and the y, he asked me, when I was going to get out? I said well I can get out pretty soon because I’ve been in for four years and he said well he is losing a security analyst who is going to work with his father would I be a security analyst and I said yes I was very thrilled about it and I went to work for him and beginning of 1946 and in 1955 when Graham decided to retire that’s when I went into the business myself.