On May 7, 2013, Warren Buffett sat down for an interview with Caroline Ghosn, the Co-Founder of Levo League. “Office Hours with Warren Buffett” transcript can be found below:
Transcript and text courtesy of Joe Kusnan’s Blog. Full text can be found here.
Office Hours with Warren Buffett
Levo League is a new organization dedicated to helping young women in the first phase of their careers. Levo refers to the Latin root of the word “elevate.” Levo League’s mission is to eliminate the barriers to success and the income and responsibility disparity that still exists for women in the corporate world. Each week, Levo League has office hours with a noted individual who provide career advice, mentorship and answer questions from viewers. Previous interviewees have included Jacqueline Novogratz, Sheryl Sandberg, Sallie Krawcheck, Gretchen Rubin, Faith Popcorn and Amanda Hesser. These interviews are posted online.
A transcript of Ghosn’s interview follows:
Ghosn: Welcome to Office Hours. My name is Caroline Ghosn. I’m one of the co-founders and the CEO of Levo League which seeks to elevate women in their professional paths. And I’m here with none other than Warren Buffett, live from Omaha, Nebraska.
Thank you so much for joining us. We are so thrilled to have 60 viewing parties around the United States and around the world tuning in. Students, young professionals, all of you who are watching on everything from Youtube to Fast Company. We are so thrilled to have you and we are so thrilled to take this next step in democratizing mentorship here today.
It’s really incredible what we can do with technology. The fact that we’re having this conversation. We’re going to be interacting with you. I have your questions in a live Twitter stream on my iPad from Omaha, and we will be listening to what you want to hear Warren Buffett talk about. We will be interacting today and we’ll be hearing the conversation on Twitter at #officehours and #warrenbuffett. So please make sure to tune in and join the discussion that’s happening.
It is such an honor to be here with Warren Buffett today. He, as you know, is one of the best known investors and entrepreneurs of our time. And he is currently the Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Incorporated.
Office Hours with Warren Buffett Link here and transcript below.
Office Hours With Warren Buffett May 2013 by jkusnan3341
Office Hours With Warren Buffett May 2013 (1) by ValueWalk.com