Fortnite became an instant sensation among gamers immediately after it was released, but unfortunately, its extreme level of popularity means that when the server goes down, the whole world knows about it. Many gamers are trying to log into the game and discovering that the Fortnite server is down right now. If you’re not affected, count yourself lucky, because it sounds like most players are experiencing at least some impact.
Fortnite server is down
Luckily, Epic Games is doing a good job of keeping everyone posted on the issue. The developer started a Reddit thread here minutes ago to tell players that the Fortnite server is down. Epic is describing the issue as “ongoing extended instability,” which seems to imply that the server might not be down completely, but many or possibly even most players are affected. However, when you read the rest of the Reddit post, it certainly sounds serious.
The company said it experienced a “critical failure with one of our account service databases,” which has destabilized the login and matchmaking systems for Fortnite. As a result, many players are finding that they can’t get into matches.
Fortnite server is down for PS4, Xbox, PC and mobile
Sometimes game outages affect only certain platforms, but in this case, the Fortnite server is down for all platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC and mobile. It may not be obvious at first that the server is down, but basically, if it’s taking a long time to be placed into a PvP game, then you’ve been hit by the outage.
Some affected players are finding that they can’t log into the game at all, while others are able to jump into a queue, but the game never places them into a match. If you’re lucky enough to be placed in a match at all, it could happen in as little as 10 minutes, but if you’re in the queue for longer than that, it’s probably a good idea to just log out and leave it be for the time being. (Maybe go outside if the weather by you is nice today? Crazy idea, I know…)
Fortnite server down for almost a full day
Apparently, the Fortnite server has been down for many hours, as Epic said it has been “working through the night on fixes in order to bring the game fully back up.” The developer still doesn’t know how long it will take to fix the problem, but it sounds like it could be a long time before the game is back up and running in full capacity. Epic promised to update gamers on an hourly basis.
In addition to that Reddit thread, the game’s Twitter account is also posting regular updates about the Fortnite server status. In fact, it looks like the reports that the Fortnite server is down stretch back the better part of a full day. The developer tweeted yesterday that it was having trouble with account services and logins for Fortnite.
Several hours after that initial tweet about the outage, the company announced that it was taking the Fortnite server down for “emergency maintenance.” The next update was earlier this morning when the company said the Fortnite server is down again.
To stay up to date on the status of the game, Epic Games advises players to keep checking the Fornite server status page here.