Mental Health Initiative Such As coloring books Includes Training to Prioritize Emotional Health
WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 18, 2019) – First year women at George Washington University [GWU] who are thinking of pledging a sorority will be offered coloring books and other aides – including counselors with mental health training – to get them through the process, which is being described as “stressful,” “intimidating,” and “taxing,” reports GWU public interest law professor John Banzhaf.
At a time when incoming female college students are being told that they can and should be tough and strong, and stand up to those who might try to bully or sexually harass them, the upper class women who run the sororities are helping to convince them that they are so weak and fragile that they need mental health help to deal with the trauma of picking out where to pledge.
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Ironically, this novel approach to easing the stresses and burdens of a traditional rite of passage for young female students is taking place as GWU is considering a new policy which would ban single-sex student organizations such as sororities and fraternities.
The new policy would also force organizations made up of and representing sorority members – including the Panhellenic Association, which is providing the coloring books and mental health counseling – to admit men or face corrective measures, such as being disbanded.
This sorority event appears to be part of a growing movement to wussify students, treating them an incredibly sensitive beings – “snowflakes” – who must be protected from virtually anything which might possibly upset them, says Banzhaf, who is especially concerned that the movement is also affecting law schools.
At some law schools, classes were cancelled, exams were postponed, and at one top law school its “embedded psychologist” offered the law students – too traumatized to continue life as they knew it – Legos, play dough, and bubbles to help them cope with the “trauma” of Trump’s election.
The law school at the University of Michigan thinks its students are so fragile that they need a room full of bubbles and play dough to cope with the stress of not having their favorite candidate win the presidential election.
Even long after the election is over, UC Hastings Law School felt the need to provide a “Chill Zone” in its library where delicate students can “relax, meditate, do yoga, [and] take a quick nap to reenergize.” To help them cope with stress, the room is filled with nap pads, bean bag chairs, and yoga mats.
Women who are expecting to graduate and make tough life-and-death decisions as doctors or lawyers, or to lean in and stand up for their rights in the tough and challenging corporate world, should not have to rely on coloring books simply to help them consider various sororities, argues Banzhaf.
Such coddling is likely to turn out more wimpy lawyers who lack the fortitude to stand up to tough judges in defending unpopular causes, and thus our most fundamental rights, charges Banzhaf.
When a feminist female law professor at Harvard Law School is asked not only not to teach rape because it might be too traumatizing, but to also refrain from using the word “violated” even in a neutral sense such as “the statute violated the Constitution,” it’s political correctness run amuck, he says.
Can one even imagine how a lawyer like Patrick Henry – who famously said “Give me liberty, or give me death!” in risking his life and fortune to establish a new country – would feel if he heard a Michigan law student now say “Give me play dough so I can cope,” or a first year student at GWU saying “give me a coloring book to protect my mental health,” he asks.
(202) 994-7229 // (703) 527-8418 @profbanzhaf