Adnan Akhand
Adnan Akhand, handles an array of matters for both the firm and for external clients. On the BX3 side, Adnan handles the firm’s internal operations, such as back office functions, office space, and the firm’s payroll and benefits. For clients, he handles accounting matters but in reality, much of his work goes beyond what’s on his label. Given the startup status of many BX3’s clients, Adnan finds himself wearing many hats, often veering into job functions that typically fall into the wheelhouse of a consultant — or even an outsourced CFO. When onboarding a new project, he sits down with the team to figure out the best path to scalability. Whether that’s figuring out employee benefits, operational considerations such as rent, and projected revenue vis-à-vis capital runway, he outlines financial playbooks to guide companies for the next few years. Having accurate numbers in hand in turn creates peace of mind among would-be investors. Adnan holds a BA in accounting from Eastern Connecticut State University and an MA in international finance from Northeastern University. Outside of accounting, Adnan enjoys taking in all of the cultural opportunities of New York, including the cinema. Give him the line of a movie, he says, and he’ll be able to tell you the name in ten seconds flat. He’s quick to point out the joys of other cities, too: Adnan spent the first nine months of 2019 as a digital nomad, working and living in nine countries and 30 cities. Among his favorite locations on his journey was Mexico City, for what he says are its amazing architecture, warm people and weather, and incredible food.