Despite its passage some time ago, recent attention has been brought to the impending implementation of a Washington, D.C., regulation that will require all professional childcare workers to have a college degree. This has raised a great hue and cry as it will ban a number of existing childcare workers from their chosen profession as well as having the effect of dramatically increasing the cost of childcare in the District — which is, incidentally, already incredibly high when compared to the rest of the country. Unintended consequences happen all the time in everyday life, but when legislators and regulators act, the consequences are on a much larger scale. Unintended consequences abound in pretty much every aspect of regulated life to various degrees. Join Antony Davies and James Harrigan as they talk about this and more on this week’s episode of Words and Numbers.
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Quick Hits
Man cited for sheltering the homeless (David Wilson)
Philip Morris getting out of the cigarette business?
Foolishness of the Week
President Trump, apparently not interested in Steve Bannon’s criticism, seeks to block the release of “Sloppy Steve’s” book.
Topic of the Week: Unintended Consequences
Gun buyback
Payday lending
Fishing quotas
CEO pay
Three strikes law
Bounty on cobras
California fuel economy mandates
Americans with Disabilities Act
Electrician licensing requirements
Red-light cameras
Cash for clunkers
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Antony Davies
Antony Davies is associate professor of economics at Duquesne University and Chief Academic Officer at FreedomTrust.
He is a member of the FEE Faculty Network.
This article was originally published on Read the original article.