Image source: Pixabay
Regardless of your political affiliation, it’s safe to say this is a very different Presidency than what the country has become used to. Love him or hate him, very few people have a neutral opinion about Donald Trump. Now there’s a petition on to make an exception to federal law to allow for the creation of a gold coin bearing Trump’s likeness. Presenting the Trump Gold Coin?
The petition starts out: “Every great ruler throughout history has had his face on a gold coin. Unfortunately a “federal law” prohibits living persons from being on U.S. coinage. Here’s why that needs to change.” The Founding Fathers passed a law early on in the United States preventing living persons from having their likeness on currency, presumably to differentiate the U.S. and its elected leadership from other countries which were ruled by a hereditary monarchy.
However, instead of aligning Trump with a monarchy, the petition goes on to align him with the common person: “Additionally, Donald J. Trump is the first successful reality television icon to ever become President. Ronald Reagan was a movie star, aligning him with the Hollywood elite. Reality television is the people’s television.” What could possibly go wrong?
There’s even a corresponding infographic that lays out the argument for putting Donald Trump on a gold coin, and the points of argument include:
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- His Manhattan apartment is decorated with 24 karat gold
- He isn’t susceptible to bribes because he has more money than he will ever need
- He is the only person who can make America great again, according to himself
Trump and gold do seem to have an already strong association. So what do you think? Should Donald Trump’s face be on legal U.S. currency? There are already numerous companies out there making commemorative gold coins. Is this the logical next step?
Trump Gold Coin – Click to enlarge