Ran into debt? Current job isn’t paying enough? Your partner wants a brand new TV, car or diamond ring? It’s probably time to consider using your greatest assets to make a fortune… (however lets hope it doesn’t ever get this far!!) From your head to your toes and everywhere in between. Looking at selling your Kidney and rake in lots of cash?
It turns out that there are other lucrative body parts which would net you almost as much as the vaunted Kindey sale. Of course, this is all illegal in the USA and no one should ever donate an organ that they may need unless it is literally a matter of life or death. Only a fool would give up a vital body part for some money.
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There will be things that you may know you can sell on the black market (kidneys, liver, sperm etc) and others that may surprise you…
Selling Your Kidney can net you hundreds of thousands of dollars but so can other limbs!
Indeed, lungs net $272,000 which according to the data below, narrowly beats our Kidneys which retail for $262,000
Next on the list is the liver which comes out to about $157,000. However, the heart is not too shabby either with a monetary value of $119,000.
On the other hand, some vital organs can only net you a paltry sum. Your small intestine, stomach, and cornoraryartery would not be enough to afford a studio in Manhattan for one month’s rent.
However, there is some good news still – feces are worth $13,000 – not too bad for literal unwanted waste.
When Selling Your Kidney, liver, teeth, urine etc how much should you ask for
Interested in learning what over 28 body parts and functions are worth on the black market? Check out the infographic below.
Please speak with your legal counsel and medical doctor before selling your kidney or even none vital organs/body “waste” such as eggs or semen.