Rented Home – how to make it feel like your real home
Home ownership rates around the world continue to fall. In the United States, only 64.5% of people own their home. It isn’t a perfect situation but all we can do is make the best of it until perhaps homes become affordable again. It’s about trying to make the most of your rented property and making it feel as much like your own home as possible.
When you’re renting, it can be difficult to make a place feel like your own. Often the landlord will not want tenants to make changes and this will make the tenant feel like they’re on someone else’s turf.
There are things you can do to make a place feel like home. For example, building a relationship with your landlord before you ask to make changes and you will more likely to get permission to do as you please. It’s important to bide your time in these scenarios and then draft a plan of attack. Try to think about the things you can live with and the things you can’t live with before acting. Make sure to pay your rent on time as this will build a relationship with your landlord and they’ll be more open to making changes.
However, if you’d rather avoid dealing with the hassle of getting permission from your landlord it might be best to stick to removable home improvements. Things like subdividing rooms, putting rugs on the floors you hate, or adding flowers and greenery can make a huge difference to how a place looks. Best of all, you can take the changes with you when you leave.
Check out this infographic from Half Price for a complete overview of how to make a rented home your own. We hope you find it of some use!
Making A Rented Home Your Own
By Half Price