Those taking the subways of New York and Paris are likely to see heightened security based on remarks made by Iraq’s prime minister with regards to a planned ISIS attack on the subway systems in each city. In New York, police added more bomb-sniffing dogs and surveillance teams as well as an increased police presence while some stations were equipped with bag inspection checkpoints.
Both Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo took trains yesterday to send a message to New York denizens that a perceived threat should not affect their daily lives. New Yorkers, as a rule, know their city will always be a favorite terrorist target but don’t spend a lot of time worrying about it. However, the mayor urged their cooperation with police given this understanding.
ISIS terror plot: Mayor and Governor take to the trains
“The people of this city have an important role to play,” Mayor de Blasio said. “The phrase, ‘when you see something, say something’ is not an empty phrase. It is real.”
Yesterday’s train ride by Mayor de Blasio was made with New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton in tow.
“We have received information which, in the eyes of the United States government and the NYPD, is not verified. So what we’re doing is taking precautions until we have more information,” de Blasio said at a news conference after he and Bratton rode the subway.
“At this time, the people of this city should feel very comfortable and secure moving through the subways,” Bratton said.
When an attack on New York is suggested it, without necessarily being said, includes New Jersey given their proximity, and shared bridges, tunnels and transit.
Both Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his New Jersey counterpart, Gov. Chris Christie, spoke of increased security on Wednesday given the world’s political climate, the day before the reported threat.
In Connecticut, Gov. Dannel Malloy announced that his state is also stepping up security on Metro-North and Amtrak lines.
Peter King’s two cents
New York Rep. Peter King, who is a member of the Homeland Security Commission, was not going to miss an opportunity to get in front of a camera.
“I have been aware that there are plots that ISIS is planning overseas against other countries,” King said. “Quite honestly, I have not been advised of this — and I have been checking this out. I don’t believe that the U.S. government has been advised of an imminent plot.”
He added that anything involving ISIS is “taken seriously” and said there is “absolutely no evidence at all that there’s any validity to what the prime minister said.”
That last statement is a touch arrogant for this writer, and am not certain is position on a committee guarantees that he his privy to all threats being investigated.
News sources will always find a fearful rider as well as an arrogant one for sound bites and comments but I will not tow the line and do the same here.