We all have those moments in which we are not comfortable in sharing things with people outside our group. For example, one wouldn’t want his employer to see photos from the party last night, or won’t want to share his personal photos with the entire world. While Facebook does allows you to choose whom to share the photo with, the problem is that those photos are there forever. Wouldn’t it be great if we can post time sensitive photos on Facebook?
That’s where you can try out Secret.li app for iPhone that lets you share photos only to users with whom you’re comfortable with. It lets you post time sensitive photos that automatically expire after a certain period.
Once you’ve captured a photo, or chosen one from your library, you can then select users whom you wish to share the photo with. You also need to select a safety filter which will be displayed to users who don’t have the permission to view your photo. If a user doesn’t have the permission, then he’ll see the pixelated version of the photo that you select in this step.
You can then set a time period for each photo for which they’re available on Facebook. Once the time period ends, the photo is automatically deleted.
However, keep in mind that when posting the photo, you need to be logged-in to the app, and authorize the app to use on your account. Of course, the user who has the permission to view your photo can still take a screenshot and post it publicly. Also if you post a time sensitive photo and if a user doesn’t log in to Facebook during that time period then that particular user would never see your photo.
App compatible with iPhone 3GS or later
Those who’re really serious about their privacy will love this app. The app is compatible on the iPhone 3GS or later. Get it from below link.
Install Secret.li from the Apple App Store