Debate over when the iPhone 6 will arrive continues, with some making arguments for this year and others arguing for next year. One blogger believes since Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE:WMT) is offering deep discounts on the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5, the iPhone 6 will be out in a month’s time. However, Jefferies analyst Peter Misek believes we won’t see it until March, which is still an improvement from his previous expectations of next July.
iPhone 5S to launch in September, iPhone 6 in March
In a report issued to investors this week, Misek said he believes that the iPhone 5S will be out in September and that the iPhone 6 will be out next year. He addressed the previously reported issue of the fingerprint sensor which he said should have been part of the iPhone 5S. He still thinks Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is having problems working the sensor into the device, and if it doesn’t end up in the iPhone 5S, there won’t be much setting it apart from the previous model. However, he believes the company will still launch the 5S in late September instead of waiting until December to include the scanner or even to increase the screen size to 4.3 inches, another problem that has been reported as causing issues for Apple’s next iPhone.
Misek also said that their checks show Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is attempting to bring the launch of the iPhone 6, which will have a 4.7 to 5 inch screen, up to March instead of June next year. Therefore he thinks the company’s resources will be more focused on the iPhone 6 rather than making changes to the iPhone 5S.
iPhone 6 to launch in August
Stabley Times’ Jerry Miller suggests that the fire sale going on at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE:WMT) means that the iPhone 6 will be out by “this time next month.” He reports that the iPhone 5 is selling for $129 while the iPhone 4S is going for $39. Since Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has to approve all discounts on its handsets, it means that the company has agreed to let Wal-Mart do this. As a result, he believes the iPhone 6 will be for sale by the end of next month.