Apple has released the latest version of its mobile operating system, iOS 9.1, and fans of the iPhone series are already wondering when it will be jailbroken. This is always a controversial aspect of the iPhone system, as Apple explicitly proposes the practice. But most experienced iPhone users certainly favor jailbreaking as it opens up the smartphone platform in a way that is otherwise impossible.
The middle finger emoji
iOS 9.1 certainly can’t be considered a major update to the Apple operating system, unless emojis are particularly important to you. The introduction of 150 new ways to express emotion through small pictures has been particularly notable for the middle finger emoji that is already garnering a huge amount of attention.
Bug fixes and general performance improvements are also addressed by iOS 9.1, and one of the most welcome has been improvements to the Live Photos application on the iPhone 6S, as well as improvements to Live Photos sharing on older iOS devices.
The iOS 9.1 upgrade certainly shouldn’t be considered an indispensable update that all iOS users should automatically upgrade to, but the new fixes and features are unquestionably attractive elements of the software. However, one particular aspect of iOS 9.1 is notable for experienced users of the software; those who have already jailbroken iOS 9.0.2 will probably want to steer clear owing to the lack of a similar solution to iOS 9.1 thus far.
Nonetheless, Apple completists will already be wondering when the latest iOS 9.1 release will be jailbroken. This process opens up the operating system to a wide range of new functionality by removing hardware restrictions imposed by iOS. For many aficionados of the iPhone series, jailbreaking is something that is instantly carried out as soon as the possibility becomes enters the public domain.
Pangu to crack iOS 9.1
There is no such solution for iOS 9.1 as of yet, but there are already murmurings that some of the notable development teams around the world are currently working on a solution. In particular, Pangu has been linked with an iOS 9.1 jailbreak, after the dev team cracked the previous version of the operating system.
Apple has diligently patched iOS since this occurred, but it is thought that the Chinese hackers will be able to jailbreak iOS 9.1 once again within the next few weeks. There is a particular incentive for them to do this, as the iPhone 6S has proved massively popular in China. Indeed, the early gains that Apple has made in sales of the iPhone 6S can be almost entirely attributed to the world’s most populous nation.
So Pangu will be working diligently on this crack as we speak. But it is still difficult to say precisely when the iOS 9.1 jailbreak will release. What can give us a clue as to its eventful unveiling is the schedule related to previous jailbreaks.
It is thus slightly disappointing to note that in the case of iOS 8, an iOS 8.1 jailbreak was released pretty rapidly after the software initially went public. This was the first jailbreak of the iOS eight system, yet there wasn’t another hack of the operating system released until a couple of months later, when iOS 8.3 was released.
This suggests that we could have longer to wait for an iOS 9.1 jailbreak than the legions of iPhone fans would doubtless prefer. But a lot could also depend on how Apple chooses to patch the system. Although the consumer electronics giant tends to keep its plans extremely close to its chest, it should nevertheless be revealed in due course whether or not it intends to release an iOS 9.2 version in the foreseeable future.
Depending on the plans that Apple has for iOS 9.1 going forward, Pangu could decide to wait until some of the more permanent updates to the operating system have emerged. It is perfectly possible that in time we will see an iOS 9.2, iOS 9.3 and maybe an iOS 9.4, and this means that it is not inconceivable that iOS 9.1 will never be jailbroken at all.
Jailbreaking iOS 9.1
In terms of the release schedule for jailbreaks of iOS, it is notable that the first hack of iOS 9 appeared roughly one month after the release of the system. Thus if development teams decide to particularly target iOS 9.1, it is reasonable to assume that we can expect the jailbreak to appear in roughly four weeks’ time. Of course, it is also important to take into consideration the fact that not all software releases offer the same level of complexity. Some estimates suggest that it will be possible to jailbreak iOS 9.1 in a shorter period of time, particularly as iOS 9 has already been cracked by Pangu.
Meanwhile, those users who cannot live without a jailbroken iPhone can simply stick to iOS 9.0.2 and await further developments.