Google Drive is not just a simple cloud storage service. Drive not only stores files in the cloud, it also allows users to create documents online, which are then stored in the Drive.
Google Drive Storage
When it comes to calculating storage quota, the same space is shared between Google Drive, Gmail, and Google+ Photos. This means that you can store up to 15 GB in Google Drive, Gmail, and Google+ Photos. If you want more space in Drive then you can either delete some big emails with attachments, delete some Google+ photos or you can either purchase additional storage space from Google. Plans start at $4.99 for 100GB storage.
But if you want to free up some storage space on Google Drive, then here’s a quick tip – Convert your Microsoft Office or OpenOffice format files to Google Docs files. But why would you do that? That’s because files which are in Google Docs format such as Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Drawings, and Forms don’t count towards storage space. You can have as many Google Docs files as you want. That’s why converting the office file to Docs makes sense, as it’s space won’t count towards your storage limit.
To take advantage of this; when you upload files, click on Settings and then on “Convert uploaded files to Google Docs format.” You can do this when you’re uploading new files, but you can also convert existing files to Google Docs format. To do this, right click on a document, and point to Open with, and select Google Docs. A copy of your file will be automatically created with Google Docs format. Now you can safely delete the original file.
Hope this tip helps you to save some space on Google Drive.