Lou Dobbs Tonight Marks 46 Straight Weeks as Number One in Business News
According to Nielsen Media Research, FOX Business Network (FBN) continued its winning streak over CNBC, topping the network in Business Day viewers during the heavily dominated business news week of July 3rd-July 7thth. Averaging 146,000 total viewers, FBN had a 4% advantage over rival CNBC during Business Day surrounding the news of the Dow Jones hitting a new record high.
For the 46th consecutive week, Lou Dobbs Tonight was the number one rated news program in business television with 283,000 total viewers, as well as the week’s number one rated business news program in the age 25-54 demo with 31,000 total viewers.
Along with Dobbs, FBN’s Varney & Co (9a-5p/ET), CAVUTO Coast to Coast (12-2p/ET), Risk & Reward (5-6p/ET), Intelligence Report with Trish Regan (2-3p/ET), Countdown to the Closing Bell (3-4p/ET), and Making Money with Charles Payne (6-7p/ET) were the top seven top rated business programs for the week. Additionally, Varney & Co along with Risk & Reward (5-6p/ET) dominated their CNBC competition in total viewers for the 7th consecutive week.
***Below is the data according to Nielsen Media Research
Week July 3rd-July7th, 2017
Business Day
FBN: 146,000 P2+, 15,000 A25-54
CNBC: 141,000 P2+; 34,000 A25-54