Fort Hood Shooting
In shocking news which came out this afternoon there has been another shooting reported at the military base in Fort Hood, Texas. Further details can be found below from AFP, however, we have a comment or two.
First, the situation is extremely flux and we doubt whether the latest news from any outlet is correct (as they say, the first reports are always false). This is especially true in the age of Twitter and once respected media outlets like CNN gradually declining into Tabloid journalism.
It is beyond shocking that any shooting could occur at a military base. This is not a market place in Baghdad, military bases should have top security.
However, the case of the (second) Fort Hood Shooting is even more frightening. Not only was there a major terror attack at the army base a few years ago, but there was specific information that the FBI was on the look out for a terrorist planning ‘a Fort Hood Style shooting’. We do not mean to second guess but rather to ask how the heck this happened? We asked some military personal (not from Fort Hood) and they were at loss for an answer.
UPDATE 8:11PM EST NOTE: The situation is flux, but after a few minutes it seems this is the case
Multiple media reports: Fort Hood Shooting appears to have stemmed from a domestic dispute between soldiers. The gunman has died of a self inflicted wound. Fort Hood gunman has been “identified” as 34-year-old Ivan Lopez.
8:20 PM EST
The army has released the following statement regarding the Fort Hood shooting
DATE: April 2, 2014 6:29:25 PM CDT
Shooting incident at Fort Hood
UPDATE: Fort Hood’s Directorate of Emergency Services has an initial report that a shooter is dead but this is unconfirmed.
The injured personnel are being transported to Carl R. Darnall Medical Center and other local hospitals. Numerous law enforcement agencies are in support and on the scene. The number of injured are not confirmed at this time. No further details are known at this time.
The post is currently still on lock down.
FORT HOOD, Texas — There has been a shooting at Fort Hood and injuries are reported. Emergency crews are on the scene. No further details are known at this time.
As further details are available, they will be released through
For more information contact:
Fort Hood Public Affairs Office
(254) 286-5139
1001 761st Tank Battalion Ave
Suite W105
Fort Hood, TX 76544
[email protected]
At least four people were killed and 14 injured in a shooting Wednesday at Fort Hood, the same base that was the scene of the worst attack on a domestic U.S. military installation five years ago, a congressman confirmed.
U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas confirmed the deaths to KVUE-TV (via US Today).
Cornyn Statement on the Shooting at Fort Hood
Apr 02 2014
WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) issued the following statement on today’s shooting at Fort Hood:
“Tonight, Texans’ hearts are once again very heavy. The scenes coming from Ft. Hood today are sadly too familiar and still too fresh in our memories. No community should have to go through this horrific violence once, let alone twice. I ask that all Americans join Sandy and me in praying for the victims, their families and the entire Ft. Hood community.”
8:51PM EST
Local Hospital statement: : Four victims are at hospital, two more are on the way. Conditions range from stable to critical. We consistent run drills to prepare for situations like this. Some injured at Fort Hood had multiple gunshot wounds.
We will have more updates as the news comes in and can be verified. In the meantime, you can see details below from the AFP. Regardless, of why this serious breach occurred, we hope that there are no casualties and that this is the last attack (whether terror related or not).
9:23PM EST
Some details and a picture of the alleged Fort Hood shooting mastermind, Ivan Lopez…
Ivan Lopez, 34, was an active duty soldier, worked as a truck driver for the U.S. Army. Below is a picture.
The Fort Hood military base in Texas ordered all staff to take shelter Wednesday amid media reports of an active shooting situation that had left several people wounded. “All personnel on post are asked to shelter in place,” the US base, where an army…