Facebook Inc (FB) In 2013: The Future Is Mobile

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Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is looking to further its ability to provide connections among its users through the expansion of mobile services this year. Facebook VP Dan Rose spoke at All Things D’s Dive Into Media conference this week. For many investors, this shift to mobile-thinking is good news because it has the potential to offer greater monetization opportunities and pricing.

Facebook Inc (FB) In 2013: The Future Is Mobile

Rose said Facebook users who use the site from their mobile devices tend to be more loyal than those who use only the computer. He said about 70 percent of mobile users of Facebook use the site every day, while less than 50 percent of PC-only users do.

Because of this shift to mobile, he said Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) wants to do things that can’t be done on a computer by providing an arena for its users to share stories and information, even when they aren’t sitting in front of a computer. He also said the company is looking more into the app space. According to Rose, they send 180 million clicks to Google Play and the Apple App store.

He believes the next major app categories Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) will become involved in is fitness, books and movies, and he said much of that new direction will be driven by media and users sharing the books they’re reading, the movies they’re watching, and their fitness goals and milestones.

However, he doesn’t expect the social media giant will move entirely away from gaming, which was the main focus of the site’s app ecosystem when it first launched.

He also identified two “core pillars” of Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s philosophy: “identity and sharing.” He added both of those two pillars play into their push to become a bigger part of users’ lives this year through mobile opportunities.

“What we’re really striving to do is find the perfect equilibrium from a great user experience and a strong platform that developers and partners will continue to invest in,” Rose told All Things D. “…We need to keep the news feed interesting, and one of the ways we do that is through media.”

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