The promises America’s made to Russia in the post-Cold War era have turned out to be “lies,” which may lead to a war between the two countries, predicts a U.S. political analyst.
Eric Zuesse, an American historian and journalist, claims that Moscow has lived up to all of its commitments given to Washington in the post-Cold War world and that now it’s high time for the U.S. to live up to its own commitments to avoid a war, according to Sputnik News. Russia has complied with all of its commitments toward establishing durable peace and avoiding any unnecessary military confrontation, while “America’s anti-Russian military club,” NATO, continues its existence and has built its military bases close to Russia’s borders while launching military operations against nations that support the Kremlin internationally.
That’s why “the West owes Russia a hell of a lot; but what it owes Russia first is a deep apology, and a welcome into Europe, of which Russia has been and is an extremely important nation, and very unjustly denied its rightful place there,” Zuesse wrote in his investigative op-ed published by the Strategic Culture Foundation journal, as reported by Sputnik News.
U.S. is no longer a democracy
The historian also noted that the U.S. is the one thing that doesn’t belong in Europe in any way whatsoever, especially because the country “is no longer a democracy.” Zeusse also wonders about the reason for NATO’s existence after the Soviet Union’s equivalent Warsaw Pact was disbanded in 1991 when the Soviet Union and its communism “voluntarily ended.” The historian gives an answer to his own question, saying that “NATO is nothing but America’s anti-Russia military club, against Russia and against any nation (such as Iraq, or Libya, or Syria) that supports Russia.”
Zeusse argues that U.S.-inspired political and military interventions, including those in Iraq, Libya and Ukraine, and attempts to remove Bashar al-Assad from power in Syria just “because he supports Russia in international relations,” are nothing more than “ugly” examples of American “bullying against Russia and any other nation that isn’t buckling to the US aristocracy and its allied aristocracies in Europe…[and] Japan.”
America is to blame for the problems of today and the future, believes Zuesse
The analyst believes that the “original sin of the post-Cold War West,” which “has produced the problems of today and the future,” lies in NATO leadership’s decision to break their promises to the Kremlin not to expand NATO eastward close to Russia’s borders after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Referring to Spiegel’s investigation published in 2009, Zeusse argued that the German news source had pretty unequivocally concluded, basing the investigation on “newly discovered documents from Western archives” which suggest that the West, particularly the U.S., did in fact violate “commitments made during negotiations over German reunification.”
The analyst then asks how “the American people [would] have felt” if the Soviet Union had won the Cold War, “and its Warsaw Pact… [had] extended itself all the way to include Mexico and/or Canada?”
“How would the American people have felt about that possibility –nuclear missiles aimed at them at their own border? It’s so obviously disgusting…but do you learn in Western news media that this is what the United States has done and is doing to Russia, and to Russia’s allies?” Zeusse continued.
American lies may lead to war
Reminding readers that American and German leaders had given Russia a “clear commitment” not to expand NATO beyond the former East Germany’s borders, Spiegel concluded “that there was no doubt that the West did everything it could to give the Soviets the impression that NATO membership was out of the question for countries like Poland, Hungary or Czechoslovakia.” And as of today, Zeusse said that for some reason Russia doesn’t accuse the U.S. of having lied and broken promises. The analyst wonders if that’s because the Russians do not want to exacerbate relations even further.
“However,” the analyst pondered, “wouldn’t it be better for the confrontation to come upon the battlefield of truth, than upon the battlefield of war?”
As for America’s failure to stick to its promises given to Russia 25 years ago, Zeusse believes that Europe’s decision to remain friends with the U.S. and to continue participating in NATO, “especially after having been instructed by America to lie, and to have deceived Gorbachev, who behaved honorably throughout and afterward, is Europe’s great shame. And truth is Russia’s case.”
Obama urged to break Russia-NATO Treaty
Meanwhile Russian President Vladimir Putin basically announced that his country is preparing for a nuclear arms race with the U.S., and American officials are urging NATO to permanently station troops in Eastern Europe to deter Russian aggression, as reported by ValueWalk on Thursday. However, such a move would break the NATO-Russian Founding Act signed between NATO and Russia in 1997.
But those who are calling for U.S. President Barack Obama to make such a move say that Putin broke the NATO-Russian treaty when he ordered his troops to invade Ukraine in 2014. The 1997 treaty warns Washington and NATO against “permanent stationing of substantial combat forces” in Eastern Europe and says that the Alliance and Russia are obliged to respect the “sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence” of all states.
The U.S. has had rotational troops in the Baltic states and Poland since Putin annexed Crimea in March 2014. Moscow has repeatedly labeled NATO’s moves to deploy more troops closer to Russia’s borders as an “aggressive act.”