The Acquirer’s Multiple® Valuation Ratio
All stocks are picked using The Acquirer’s Multiple® valuation ratio. The ratio examines several financial statement items that other multiples like the price-to-earnings ratio do not, including debt, preferred stock, and minority interests; and interest, tax, depreciation, amortization and capital expenditures.
The Acquirer’s Multiple® is calculated as follows:
Enterprise Value / Operating Earnings
The Acquirer’s Multiple® was developed by Tobias Carlisle who is the founder and Chief Investment Officer of Carbon Beach Asset Management LLC. He is also the author of Deep Value: Why Activists Investors and Other Contrarians Battle for Control of Losing Corporations (2014, Wiley Finance), and Quantitative Value: A Practitioner’s Guide to Automating Intelligent Investment and Eliminating Behavioral Errors (2012, Wiley Finance). He has extensive experience in investment management, business valuation, public company corporate governance, and corporate law.
TAM Deep Value Stock Screeners – Market Update
The TAM Deep Value Stock Portfolio rose 0.04% overnight to 13.28%. The Russell 3000 (INDEXRUSSELL:RUA) fell -0.07% to 10.76%. The TAM Deep Value Stock Portfolio leads the Russell 3000 by 2.52%.
In other overnight news from the three TAM Deep Value Stock Screeners:
TAM Large Cap 1000 Stock Screener
This screen shows the top 30 companies in The Acquirer’s Multiple® Large Cap 1000 universe, which is drawn from the largest 1,000 U.S. exchange-traded stocks and ADRs excluding financials and utilities.
Biggest Gainers: United Continental Holdings Inc (NYSE:UAL) up 1.63%, Steel Dynamics, Inc. (NASDAQ:STLD) up 1.56%.
Biggest Losers: Tegna Inc (NYSE:TGNA) down 6.42%, Staples, Inc. (NASDAQ:SPLS) down 3.54%.
TAM All Investable Stock Screener
This screen shows the top 30 companies in The Acquirer’s Multiple® All Investable Stocks universe, which includes the largest half of U.S. exchange-traded stocks and ADRs. The screen excludes financials and utilities.
Biggest Gainers: Seadrill Partners LLC (NYSE:SDLP) up 5.05%, JetBlue Airways Corporation (NASDAQ:JBLU) up 1.18%.
Biggest Losers: Tilly’s Inc (NYSE:TLYS) down 6.49%, Wi-Lan Inc (USA) (NASDAQ:WILN) down 4.61%.
TAM Small & Micro Cap Stock Screener
This screen shows the top 30 companies in The Acquirer’s Multiple® Small and Micro Cap Stocks universe, which includes the smallest half of U.S. exchange-traded stocks and ADRs. The screen excludes financials and utilities.
Biggest Gainers: LifeVantage Corp (NASDAQ:LFVN) up 6.74%, Continental Materials Corporation (NYSEMKT:CUO) up 7.79%.
Biggest Losers: Lee Enterprises, Incorporated (NYSE:LEE) down 8.89%, Juniper Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:JNP) down 4.6%.