Why Investors Need to Check the Board Before Investing
A board of directors cannot run the company even if it tried, but potential investors should know that a high performing board generally means a high performing CEO, said Peter Browning, author of The Director’s Manual. ‘It is useful and helpful for investors to see the mix of backgrounds and experience and the kind of things those directors have gone through before to help you have a better feel for the quality of advice and information the CEO is getting,’ said Peter Browning. Browning has served on the boards of 13 public companies, two as CEO, and is the founder of board advisory service Peter Browning Partners. Browning said he has no problem if a company’s CEO also serves as chairman of the board. He said the New York Stock Exchange decision in 2002 that forced independent directors to meet alone shook the world of corporate governance. Prior to that listing mandate, no CEO would ever allow his board to meet without him or her, but that has changed, according to Browning.
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“The Director’s Manual: A Framework for Board Governance” offers current and aspiring board members essential up-to-date governance guidance that blends rigorous research-based information with the wisdom found only through practical, direct experience. The book’s flexible approach to solving governance issues reflects the authors’ belief that no two boards and the cultural dynamics that drive them are the same. As such, the advice offered reflects recognizable leadership dynamics and real world, relevant organizational situations.
The book’s two authors, Peter C. Browning, an experienced CEO and member of numerous boards and William L. Sparks, a respected organizational researcher, combine their individual experiences and talents to create a book that is both innovative and applicable to directors in any industry sector. Specific best practice guidance is designed to help board members and their directors understand the unique strengths and challenges of their own board while at the same time provide targeted information that drives needed improvements in board performance and efficiency. Specifically, this book will help board members: Explore practical advice on key issues, including selection, meeting schedules, and director succession Consider board performance from multiple perspectives, including cultural and group dynamics Discover how to effectively manage classic problems that arise when making decisions as a group Access a comprehensive set of assessment questions to test and reinforce your knowledge
“The Director’s Manual: A Framework for Board Governance” offers practical advice to guide you as you lead your organization’s board.