Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s secret lab works on ideas that seem outlandish to most people. But the Google X laboratory has some of the company’s greatest minds, including Sergey Brin, working on projects like Google Glass and driverless cars. Eric Teller (co-workers call him Astro Teller) said that the company has also considered doing research projects on levitation and teleportation.
Teller said the idea of teleportation was nixed as an area of further study because if you want to teleport something – say a Picasso painting – it has to be destroyed completely before you can reconstitute it on the other end. Trashing the teleportation project doesn’t mean Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) doesn’t have any other weird projects under process. It is working in levitation, wind-powered aerial drones and inflatable robots.
The secret Google X lab has about 120 employees generating hundreds of such ideas every year. But most ideas are screened through various processes, and only one or two ideas are selected each year for further development. Eric Teller said the lab will announce several new projects in the coming months. There are also reports that the company is working on a space elevator.
Google’s Ambitions
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s team is ambitious and innovative. Last month, Eric Schmidt surprised everyone by declaring that by the end of this decade, every human being on the earth will have access to the Internet. Critics cited that many countries still don’t have a reliable telecom network, and 60 percent of the world still has no Internet access. Without giving any clear indication, Eric Teller told Bloomberg that wiring the planet would definitely be a consideration for Google X.
What Google Investors Think
The rapid expansion of Google X has given some Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) investors a heartburn. Pivotal Research Group analyst Brian Wieser said that Google X is a “benign to positive” factor for investors, but he is surprised that the company can’t license technologies like Google Glass. But wise investors remember that the strong curiosity of the company founders has led to many winning bets on things that appeared irrelevant not too long ago. Android is the finest example—it now runs about 75 percent of the world’s total smartphones shipped in the first quarter this year.
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) shares were down 1.43 percent to $868.62 at 1:21 PM EDT