Google Glass developer Mike DiGiovanni has created an app that allows a Glass owner to click a photo with a simple wink, the verge reported.
Google Glass Winking App
Dubbed Winky, the app bypasses the side-mounted touch control panel on the Google Glass to snap a picture. It has been designed to skip the voice command to take a picture. A simple raise of eyebrow or wink is enough to fire up the app and the Glass will instantly take photos of whatever comes in its line of sight.
“Winking really changes things. You might not think it’s hard to say ‘Ok, Glass Take a Picture’ or even just tap a button. But it’s a context switch that takes you out of the moment, even if just for a second,” DiGiovanni said in a Google+ post. “Winking lets you lifelog with little to no effort. I’ve taken more pictures today than I have the past 5 days thanks to this. Sure, they are mostly silly, but my timeline has now truly become a timeline of where I’ve been.”
Winky is not a Google-approved app and only people who know how to run an APK file on their phones will be able to try this app out.
“This software path is completely undocumented and unsupported at this point,” DiGiovanni writes. “I’m hoping we see a vetted out path towards native apps in the future, but battery life is so important and scarce with Glass, that might just not happen. We’ve seen how careless many developers can be with your battery on an Android phone.”
The source code of the Glassware is out with a brief video that demonstrates the app function.