Not long after it became apparent that Samsung’s efforts to fix the Galaxy Note 7 last year had failed. The company announced that it would recall every single device of that model and dispose of them. The statement at the time left no wiggle room for the company to back out of it. However, in a new announcement, it has done just that. Now, the Note 7 will be made available again, this time as a refurbished device.
Galaxy Note 7 Refurbs First Then Galaxy Note 8?
In answer to the above question, it is possible. However, Samsung has a few hurdles to jump through beforehand. Hurdles, which it has apparently set out for itself. According to the process laid out in the announcement, there are three parts, as follows:
- Save salvageable components such as camera modules
- Extract metal parts with the help from “eco-friendly” third-party companies
- Where possible sell refurbished Galaxy Note 7 handsets
When will the Note 7 be available? Samsung has given no indication of that. However, it has a lot to do, before a refurbished device can be re-launched. In fact, it’s possible that the majority of the millions of handsets will be absorbed by part one and two in the list above. Which means when the Galaxy Note 8 hits the shelves, there will be considerably less of its sibling model around to compete with. Well, that is if you consider, at one point there weren’t going to any at all.
Now, if you’re concerned about the battery issues resurfacing, that’s highly unlikely. According to rumors, Samsung, is going to replace the large battery once used with a much smaller one. This apparently, will significantly reduce the chances of a 2nd Note 7 conflagration and further uproar.
Why The Change Of Heat?
In our opinion, this can only be down to one thing, money. Samsung suffered from heavy losses due to the Note 7 fiasco. Not only did consumers need refunds or replacement devices. Partners who had helped to produce the technologies incorporated into the devices also required recompense. As such, Samsung’s bottom line suffered, add to that the recent corruption investigation and charges and 2016/2017 haven’t been the best years for the company.
So, why not release the Note 7 again before the Galaxy Note 8, if the battery issues are over? But, there could be another more fundamental question worth exploring first…
Where Will The Note 7 Sell?
Samsung is working with authorities and carriers around the world to determine where there may be a market for the refurb. However, it may have more hurdles to jump through than the three above, if it’s to see daylight. Because, around the world regulators responsible for the safety of their people, initiated tight regulations against owners of the Note 7. As such, will certain US, UK, Canadian, and other airlines lift their banning of the carrying of the handset onboard flights?
We expect Samsung will have a significant amount of explaining to do. And the handset may have to go through independent testing before such a lifting of restrictions happens.
Greenpeace Is Watching
As you may imagine, not everyone, including political bodies, and self-professed saviors of the Earth like Greenpeace are happy with Samsung. Some would prefer that the Note 7 be resigned to history and the Korean tech giant focus on the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy Note 8. On this matter, Greenpeace followers stormed the company’s Keynote address at last month’s Mobile World Congress.
The purpose of this interruption was, to embarrass Samsung and force it to reveal its plans for the 4.3-million recalled handsets. Now, it seems that Greenpeace ahs an answer, to which it posted on its blog:
“Samsung’s announcement is the first step to show its effort to set a new path for recycling smartphones starting with Note 7s.” Greenpeace, it says, “ will make sure Samsung takes into account the voice of millions of our supporters and abides by its commitment.”
Final Thoughts
Right now, there’s no word on when, where, or how much these refurbs will cost. So, please be patient while the news trickles through, and we will update you. However, what’s your opinion of this refurb idea, good or bad share it in the comments section below. As for what we think, if Samsung’s customers are happy with it, and there is a demand, why not. The Note 7 came with a suite of advanced technologies that if the battery issue did not happen would have made it the handset to beat.
As for what’s coming next from Samsung. If you’d prefer to look forwards rather than to what is undoubtedly a device from the past. There are plenty of rumors about the company’s next big Phablet and next S Line device doing the rounds.