Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has some good news for their users. Facebook comments now supports emoticons which can be inserted using the proper symbols.
These emoticons do not work in status updates or other type of posts but they do work under comments. There are a number of symbols that the user can use to insert various emoticons and animal images. For example, type (y) to insert a thumbs-up symbol, type :) to insert a smiling emoticon, :( adds sad emoticon, etc.
These emoticons were already available in Facebook chat and messages but now this feature has been recently added to comments too. No doubt we can now expect to start seeing these images often.
Now it won’t be just a matter of text, but also of emoticons. Do you think this is a good decision made by Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) to enable emoticons on comments? Some users might think of these emoticons as distracting and they may not be appropriate to be used on fan pages or when interacting with professionals, co-workers, etc. Use these emoticons at your own risk!