Popular social network, Facebook, has tightened its security following its continued attempts to overhaul its user experience. The social network, which has now become an integral part of modern day communication and interaction, noted on Tuesday that it would enhance its security through the expansion of its anti-virus market place. This comes after it recently denounced rumors of publishing private messages.
The expansion will see the entry of seven new partners and mobile partners to its already bulging network of security companies. Some of the notable new entrants include award winning Avast and Kaspersky. AVG, Panda, and Avira will also grace the anti-virus market place, providing different Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) users with a wide selection that can cater to their diverse needs.
The anti-virus network is a relatively new concept on Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB), dating back to April. All the same, it has managed to attract over 30 million users. The new entrants to the network are expected to increase the number of anti-virus downloads and greatly enhance Facebook’s overall security.
In addition to adding the seven new companies to the anti-virus network, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has also added the companies to its URL blacklist system. The blacklist system is designed to maintain tabs on malicious links, and enhance safety on the social network. On a typical day, the blacklist system will track and scan trillions of clicks, to ensure that all the links being shared are safe for Facebook users. With the addition of these new companies to the blacklist system, the system will have a wider pool of new tools to use. Nonetheless, these said new tools have not yet been announced.
This advancement adds on to Facebook’s continued efforts to constantly enhance security and narrow in on possible loopholes. Earlier in the year, the social network implemented phishing protections and malware checkpoints. As an advancement of the phishing protection, Facebook is adding a publicly available email address that will be used to allow the public to report any phishing attempts. Similarly, the slant towards mobile software is a deliberate attempt to improve the experience of mobile users. Over the past year alone, mobile users have increased at a frenzied pace.
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has further emphasized the need for corporation by its users, highlighting the introduction of the public email in its announcement. As of the moment, Facebook has more than 1 billion active users and maintaining a tab on each user proves to be harder at the end of each day, because of the viral growth rate of the social network.