Don’t Overlook Benchmarks by The Finance Professionals’ Post
Investors are presented with a barrage of marketing material from funds and? managers trying to raise capital, and? what all these reports have in common is ?that they all focus on performance. That? is not surprising considering the ?relatively large number of funds available with the few strategies being ?used, managers feel they can only?differentiate themselves through performance. Attend enough sales presentations and you will have heard how “my long-short equity strategy has consistently outperformed the market and that is why you need to invest with us.” By the way, the “Past performance is no indication of future results” is usually said with much less gusto.
This is not to disparage managers and funds alike but rather to help investors identify the good managers whose past performance is more than likely a good indication of their future performance. Although a thorough performance evaluation requires the skill set of a performance specialist, any investor can begin such an evaluation by questioning one simple and important component of the performance marketing material, which is the benchmark.
What Are We Missing
As a performance specialist, my first reaction to any performance report is to question it. This is not to say we should all have a mistrust of performance presentations but rather a curiosity as to how that performance was achieved. Unfortunately, much of this curiosity is suspended far too often for investors. Perhaps this is a reason why many of them just accept the benchmark as a fair comparison for the portfolio. There are different types of benchmarks, from market indices to custom security-based and knowing enough about them will help investors gain greater insight into the skill of the manager.
What about absolute return strategies? The decision not to have any “physical” benchmark does not mean that there was no benchmark choice. Establishing a target return still constitutes a benchmark choice. Taking it further, investors fail to ask some simple questions: Do the risk characteristics of the benchmark resemble that of the portfolio? Does the benchmark and fund cover the same portion of the market? Overall, is it really a fair comparison? Failure to ask these questions is analogous to a racing team deciding on a driver by comparing one in a Formula One car and the other in a Honda Accord. It sounds ridiculous but this is what happens in fund/manager choices.
What Are Quality Benchmarks
How can we improve the evaluation process? We can first begin with some basic understanding of what makes a good benchmark. A benchmark is usually some passive alternative that is used to evaluate the performance of a manager following a similar approach but with an active element. The CFA Institute lists the following seven important characteristics in defining a good benchmark[1]. They are:
- Unambiguous: The identities and weights of securities or factor exposures constituting the benchmark are clearly defined.
- Investable: It is possible to forgo active management and simply hold the benchmark.
- Measurable: The benchmark’s return is readily calculable on a reasonably frequent basis.
- Appropriate: The benchmark is consistent with the manager’s investment style or area of expertise.
See full article here.
Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients – Description
Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients by Susan B Weiner CFA
Blogging has become a “must” for many independent and fee-only financial advisors. It’s a great way to build your business by connecting with current and potential clients as well as referral sources. Blogging attracts prospects to your website, media attention, and speaking engagements. It also cements your reputation as a leader in your field. Savvy investment managers, wealth managers, and other financial professionals know blogs are an excellent way to communicate topical information before it gets stale. This deepens your relationships with current clients. But many advisors struggle to create a steady flow of compelling blog posts. This isn’t surprising. After all, your professional training focused on helping clients manage their investments or finances. You may have never taken a writing class or written for publication. Don’t worry! Help has arrived. This book will help you conquer the challenge of producing high quality blog posts by following a step-by-step process, including how to: Generate and refine ideas for blog posts that will engage your readers Organize your thoughts before you write so you can write more quickly and effectively Edit your writing so it’s reader-friendly and appealing Spread the word about your blog and attract more visitors
Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients – Review
…the book will be one of the best investments you’ll make this year…
It walks you through clear, manageable steps for financial blogging. Susan’s got you covered– from coming up with something to say, to figuring out how to say it well (and in compliance), to sticking to a schedule for posting and promoting your brilliance.
…Susan has strategies to suggest for all of us–right-brained and left-brained alike.
…If you’ve already got portions of your blogging process working well, …you can…find good ideas on the topics you find more challenging.
– Source: Wendy J Cook Communications blog
In her new book, Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients, Susan B. Weiner, CFA, teaches financial services professionals how to craft a blog that is effective and makes you shine….
The strength of this book is it caters to all types of learners….
I highly recommend picking up a copy of Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients today. It is a must-have resource for anyone in the financial services arena who wants to or already is marketing their services online.
– Source: kbk wealth connection blog
Susan Weiner, famous among CFA societies for her effective-writing workshops, has produced a powerful reference guide that should become the single best source for assisting independent and fee-only advisers in their blogging activities…. Through exercises and outlines, reinforced with a workbook-style appendix, the reader quickly learns what it takes to accomplish excellent short-form communication.
– Source: Janet Mangano, CFA Institute Enterprising Investor blog
“It’s all been said.” “Why would anyone want to listen to me?” “I don’t know anything competitors don’t know.”
Susan Weiner has excellent rejoinders to objections like those above in her book, Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients.
– Source: Marcia Yudkin, Marketing Minute (Nov. 20, 2013)
“Susan’s book is a terrific guide for financial advisors who have not done a lot of writing…. I got some ideas from it as well…. One great point she discusses is to learn how to see a post from the reader’s perspective.”
– Source: Stephen Wershing, The Client Driven Practice blog (Dec. 12, 2013)
About the Author
Susan B Weiner, CFA, teaches a highly regarded blogging class tailored to the needs of financial planners, wealth managers, investment managers, and the marketing and communications staff that supports them. She has spoken about writing across the U.S. and Canada for the CFA Institute. Author of the Investment Writing blog, Weiner writes and edits articles, white papers, investment commentary, and other communications for leading investment and wealth management firms.
Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients by Susan B Weiner CFA