Citron Research presents what we believe to be the best short opportunity in the world right now. Cyberdyne (TYO:7779) stock should go down 90% as investors realize the company is not the leader in either exoskeletons or robotics.
In an in depth report, Citron Research explains how Cyberdyne got its ridiculous valuation and how the stock will unravel once the investing public gets the truth.
Cautious Investing To All
See the full report below
Target Price: 300¥ — 85% Downside
With its share price ~ 2,000¥, Cyberdyne’s market cap exceeds $4 billion USD. The story of Cyberdyne MUST be told to the worldwide investment community.
Cyberdyne (TYO:7779) CEO Yoshiyuki Sankai has become a cultural icon in Japan. With his “mad scientist” appearance and his lifelong passion for robots, he has become the face of innovation and science in Japan…..But what is the truth?
While Sankai’s creation of the HAL® (Hybrid Assistive Limb) was unique and creative in 2005 (named one of Time Magazine’s most amazing inventions of the year,) — time and competitors have eclipsed Cyberdyne; the company has yet to effectively commercialize any product. Worse, when you get past the rhetoric, propaganda and press, you find a company that is more interested in making a “Gundam Stock” rather than an underlying business of authentic value.
Citron first became aware of Cyberdyne when normally bullish Japanese equities investor Seth Fischer cited Cyberdyne’s valuation as “unrealistic” during a recent Sohn Hedge Fund Conference in Japan.
While we found Fischer’s valuation argument to be beyond compelling, we knew there had to be a reason HOW the stock ever got to these nonsensical and ridiculous levels … which is precisely what Citron explains to the investing public below.
Many great technology advances have come from innovative Japanese companies — BUT CYBERDYNE IS NOT ONE OF THEM. Far from the great Japanese companies that have transformed the automobile industry and pioneered the video game industry, Cyberdyne is an example of a company that is taking advantage of the naiveté of retail investors and lack of open information about stocks in the Japanese stock market. Citron Research has no doubt that as soon as the investing public understands the real Cyberdyne, the stock will embark on its downward descent to reality — 85% below current levels.