Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s demolition of the old Hewlett-Packard campus is nearly complete. AppleToolbox recently shared aerial images of the demolition progress.
Apple excavates old building to make room for new building
The demolition of the old building is to make way for Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s Campus 2 site which will feature 3.42 million square feet for offices, research facilities, and development buildings. The campus will also feature a 1,000-seat corporate auditorium that measures 120,000 square feet; corporate fitness center, Valet Parking Reception, utility plants, associated parking facilities, and ancillary buildings.
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) purchased the site back in 2010 and plans to open up the new campus in two years.
Steve Jobs’ involvement with the project
Just days ago, the campus’ designer Norman Foster sat down with Architectural Record to discuss design. He also talked about how the late Steve Jobs and his influence on the project.
He explained, “It is interesting how it evolved. First of all, there was a smaller site. Then, as the project developed, and the Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) site became available, the scale of the project changed. Meanwhile, the reference point for Steve [Jobs] was always the large space on the Stanford campus—the Main Quad—which Steve knew intimately. Also, he would reminisce about the time when he was young, and California was still the fruit bowl of the United States. It was still orchards. We did a continuous series of base planning studies. One idea which came out of it is that you can get high density by building around the perimeter of a site, as in the squares of London.”
The photos of the demolition show that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) still has quite a way to go before it looks anything remotely like the mock-ups we’ve seen. The new campus will feature a unique design that will make it look somewhat like a spaceship.