Best-Selling Book what is the secret to writing one – what is the average length and what can we learn from it?
We can’t all be J.K. Rowling or Stephenie Meyer, but if you’re working on a book, it’s nice to know what helps with success.
First, don’t get too long-winded: Surprisingly, the average length of a best-selling book is 375 pages. (Lord of the Rings is definitely an outlier here.)
As far as setting goes, most bestselling books are set in the U.S., with lawyers or detectives as main characters. Romance is, by far, the most lucrative genre. Romance books bring in $1.4 billion a year, with crime books in second place. Interestingly enough, people finish romance novels but often ditch religious books.
While the U.S. leads for its publishing industry, Germany, France, China, Japan and the UK also have large markets for authors. If you’re publishing an e-book, Amazon might be the best bet –– the company controls more than half of the e-book market. Authors also get to keep 70 percent of what they make on Amazon.
If you’re feeling less ambitious and just looking for a way to become more creative before you tackle your next novel, take a look at this infographic about ways to become more creative.
Some Best Selling Books
1811 – Sense and Sensibility
1859 – A Tale Of Two Cities
1876 – The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer
1937 – The Hobbit
1950 – The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
1998 – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
2005 – Twilight
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The Anatomy Of A Best-Selling Book
Source: Here
By Ayana Lage, Daily Infographic