In addition to naming Darren Wilson as the police officer who shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown last week, Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said they will be releasing video of a robbery that happened the same morning of the shooting. The Huffington Post reports that Jackson gave an outline of the events that happened starting at 11 a.m. on the day Wilson reportedly shot brown.
According to CBS News, Jackson said that Darren Wilson encountered Michael Brown after he responded to a report about a person who matched the description of a suspect involved in a robbery that morning.
Police previously said that Brown was shot after Wilson encountered him and another man. They said one of the two men pushed the officer into his police car and then assaulted him inside the vehicle, struggling with him over his gun. At least one shot was fired inside the car, but the fight then came out onto the street, and Brown was shot multiple times. Witnesses later said that the officer shot Brown as he attempted to run away.
Shooting sparks unrest
The nation has been in an uproar since the Aug. 9 shooting of Brown. There have been protests since it happened, and police in the suburb of St. Louis resorted to shooting tear gas and rubber bullets at protestors. They also arrested protestors and journalists.
On Thursday, President Barack Obama condemned the police department’s use of force, and Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon ordered the state police to take over supervision. Police said Brown had been shot multiple times by Wilson. The FBI is now investigating the case. Wilson has since been put on administrative leave.
In spite of previous plans not to release a name, Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson announced this morning that it was Officer Darren Wilson who shot and killed Michael Brown last week. Previously, he had said he would release Wilson’s name on Tuesday, but then he had said he would not release the officer’s name because of concerns about his safety.
Officials in Ferguson, Missouri have just revealed that Darren Wilson is the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown earlier this month. The shooting happened on Aug. 9, and residents of the town have been protesting the incident, as Brown was unarmed and only 18 years old. Darren Wilson has been on the police force for six years and has no history of disciplinary action, according to New York Times correspondent Julie Bosman.