The concept of networking has been abuzz for years – many who claim to be part of one try to gather as much people to join them or promote the idea of one in various platforms and streams. For many people, the word “networking” has given off a disagreeable, almost negative image of shady people inside a banquet hall who are thinking and discussing ways on how they can grow richer and richer with very little time, money, and effort invested in doing so, unlike the common working man. It can also invoke imaginary scenarios of being invited to a business that promised you that your small amount of money can grow exponentially in a short frame of time. It is time for some Networking Tips to clear this up.
To clear up the biggest myth that has surrounded networking, it is not synonymous with multi-level marketing – which is what the above descriptions really talk about, and what many people think of when someone mentions the word “networking”. This wrongful connection between the two concepts have made it hard for networkers to cultivate their networks and discourages potential networks into connecting with them, which can be a huge loss for both parties.
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Like how its name actually suggests, networking is about connections and relationships that are beneficial to both or all parties involved. Successful networking is about getting to know the entities in your industry and any other industries that affect yours who can help you develop your career, business, or even your personal community. It is about meeting people who can help you find potential candidates for your business, new investors for your company or startup, clients for your products and services, and even individuals who can help increase awareness for the issues, matters, and standpoints that your business believes in, cares about, and represents.
Aside from these, networking also helps you stay visible. These networking Tips mean having regular meeting and communicating with potential clients, business partners, investors, etc. to establish and maintain business relationships, you are able to raise your personal profile and help keep you in the minds of the right people frequently. It also helps you stay on top of your game and be more aware of the current happenings both in your industry and any industries that affect yours, as connections often share information with each other within their network as well as attending seminars.
While networking is not an easy task to do (and contrary to popular belief, it takes quite a bit of effort), it will surely help you be a part of a community and build your connections. Learn more about Networking Tips with this infographic.