Mohnish Pabrai: The Trust vs. Truth Talk At JNV Bundi (Rajasthan)

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Mohnish Pabrai talks with class of 2019 Dakshana Scholars at JNV Bundi, Rajasthan, India on June 2, 2018.

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Mohnish Pabrai Talks At JNV Bundi (Rajasthan): The Trust vs. Truth



So I mean this is an even bigger and even then you're going there.

So you know what.

You know I will work some of my favorites some people maybe he will sign .....

I feel like. And so why is it that you want to come out to me like he was you know he said it's easy to see that you have a little bit of integrity.

He's only one of the smart ones and they are usually all this way.

So yes it was masterminding all of you. ..... So it was it was so.

So you need to be honest smart and you will care.

So my goal hopefully the same the ................... will be OK.

So let's say you were given the following choice in the choices that you get in any one person and that person or that.


I wonder where were you.

Paste your text here )

is you have to go and make sure that

that person gets the confidence that hey

listen I'm behind you it happens it's

okay we're gonna practice more and we're

gonna get this get better

instead useless okay you know what I'm

saying and you notice this on TV I'm not

making this up you seen her on TV and so

the thing is that it has correlation so

there's a website that lists each person 9 who got ranked in jail for many many

years and they have tracked what

happened to that person in their life 9 let me just tell you the J Rank guy is

he running Google no the guy running

Google didn't even do computer science

what was his major who wants to do

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