FOX Business Network (FBN) Senior Correspondent Charlie Gasparino reported today that “Goldman Sachs is sending representatives to” the Future Investment Initiative conference in Saudi Arabia” and “these are representatives from the Riyadh and UAE offices.”
Goldman Is Sending Representatives To Saudi Conference
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On Goldman Sachs sending representatives to the Future Investment Initiative conference:
“Here’s what we know as of right now- Goldman is sending representatives to that conference. These are representatives from the Riyadh and UAE offices, they are going as of right now. Now that may change by the end of the day because we reported this and they’re going to get embarrassed and people are going to look at David Solomon’s comments in the context of incredibly misleading statements that he made. But they are going, despite the fact that he told CNBC, tried to tell CNBC no one was going. The fascinating thing is, he was so adamant about it- the wire services, The New York Times and everybody now reported today that nobody is going from Goldman Sachs, that’s how adamant he was- that is not the case.”
Charlie Gasparino tweet:
SCOOP: A senior @GoldmanSachs official tells @FoxBusiness the firm plans to send representatives from offices in Riyadh & UAE to controversial Saudi “Davos in the Desert” investment conference as CEO David Solomon contends no senior execs will attend more coming on @TeamCavuto
— Charles Gasparino (@CGasparino) October 19, 2018