It’s no secret that content marketing is a key component of any digital marketing strategy for businesses today. If you want to provide valuable information to your prospective clients and customers, you need to create content that serves them. But in a constantly changing marketing landscape, how can you ensure your content strategy is still relevant? Here are some of the biggest trends in content marketing right now to help your business success.
Consider the buyer funnel
There are many different types of content that you can produce as a business, but the key to success isn’t quantity; it’s quality. And in addition to quality, making sure that the quality content is served to users at the right stage in the buyer journey. For instance, you wouldn’t want to send a prospect who has never heard of your brand before directly to a product or sales page. Instead, you would want to serve them content that generically addresses a problem that they may be having. For example, if your company sells life coaching programs, then a great content marketing strategy is to create long-form SEO content that addresses common questions that your potential clients may have at the beginning of their life coaching journey, such as “how do I find my way” or “feeling lost and unmotivated.” If you create content that ranks for these keywords, then potential customers will be able to discover your brand in an indirect and natural way.
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The next step of this process is crucial: one a prospect finds this initial content (which would be considered “top of the funnel” of TOFU), you need to provide them a natural next step that nurtures them down to the middle of the funnel, and gives you a way to continue contact with them. Two great ways to do this are through retargeting ads and with email capture. If you’re able to collect a prospect’s email address after their first interaction with your brand, then your likelihood of not only being able to stay in contact with them, but also convert them into clients or customers down the road increases significantly. Make sure that you are keeping the buyer funnel in mind as you create content and think about how to provide value to prospects.
Be helpful
It may sound overly simplified, but the best content marketing strategy out there is this: produce great content. If you create a truly helpful, well-researched piece of content, the chances for success and visibility dramatically increase.
So start with what will actually be helpful to users, and strategize from there. What do people need? What are the actively searching for? Start with these questions, and then write your content. If you need help writing your content, or doing research to make your content as strong as possible, there are many resources that provide full essays for free. You can use these essays are research to help you craft unique thought leadership.
If you do use other websites and essays for research purposes, be sure to be careful about citing your information properly and avoiding plagiarism. Search engines are easily capable of finding duplicate content across the web, and if they find it on your website, they will penalize you. These penalties are extremely hard to recover from, and it’s better to avoid them completely in the first place to boost your chances of online success.