AN HOUR WITH BEN GRAHAM: 1976 Interview by Hartman L. Butler, Jr., C.F.A. La Jolla, California March 6, 1976
HB: Mr. Graham, I do appreciate so much being able to come and visit with you this afternoon. When Bob Milne learned that Mrs. Butler and I would be in La Jolla, he suggested that I not only visit with you but also bring along my cassette tape recorder. We have much I would like to cover. First, could we start with a topical question-Government Employees Insurance Company-with GEICO being very much in the headlines.
Graham: Yes, what happened was the team came into our office and after some negotiating, we bought half the company for $720,000. It turned out later that we were worth-the whole company–over a billion dollars in the stock market. This was a very extraordinary thing. But we were forced by the SEC to distribute the stock among our stockholders because, according to a technicality in the law, an investment fund was not allowed more than 10 percent of an insurance company. Jerry Newman and I became active in the conduct of GEICO, although we both retired a number of years ago. I am glad I am not connected with it now because of the terrific losses.
Rest of the nine pages embedded in scribd (H/T Corner of Berkshire & Fairfax)
AN HOUR WITH BEN GRAHAM: 1976 Interview by Hartman L. Butler, Jr., C.F.A. La Jolla, California March 6, 19… by