Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the BRICS leaders’ meeting on Thursday at the Sandton Convention Center in Johannesburg, South Africa.
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President Xi Jinping Delivers Speech At BRICS Leaders’ Meeting
It’s an jeaned model. Your Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa Your Excellency President Michel demand your presidency your Excellency presidents Vladimir Putin Your Excellency Prime Minister Narendra Modi became president from Kosa and through the South African government again for your warm hospitality and thoughtful arrangements Corbier breaks summit in Africa again after a lapse of five years to see an occasion to celebrate. Well the truth of this summit syndrom Africa. Embracing inclusive growth and shared prosperity in the fourth industrial revolution is mostly fishing under the current circumstances seraphs Rudie the previous three industrial abortion’s the rise of it through the 18th century the harnessing of electricity in the night is arduous and the advent of Sons of information age in the 20th century were all characterized by transformative advancements in science and technology. Such breakthroughs have greatly unleashed Social Security and significantly improved people’s living standards roundly save on the course of human history. Routine. Today we are experiencing another revolution in science technology and industry need only greater in scope and depth for future breakthroughs are being made in quick succession in frontier technologies like big data and artificial intelligence. New technologies new business models and new industries are emerging. One after another. Countries around the world have found their interests and future tied together like never before. I’m drunk. What we have is a stain. Global growth with new driving licence and the North-South highway imbalance. Thing. So what is more constant flow of conflict and the escalation of protectionism and charting the development environment of emerging markets and developing countries.
About how history keeps surging in countries like polls wish worries countries must therefore have a keen grasp of trying to combine deepen our strategic partner and some rational framework underpinned by economic they are pushing people to change. This way our vision and the golden decade into a reality and build a community with a shared future from the first should have an enormous potential for our economic co-operation Kendu closer economic cooperation Sogard defroster drunkard’s all original purpose was to shift priority of Frakes cooperation council in the Stringfield enjoying the most promising diverse and fruitful co-operative we are seeing more hygene investment financial and connectivity. This provided a still bigger. Lingo the same time.