Home Videos Tom Steyer: Keystone to Add Equivalent of 600,000 Cars [VIDEO]

Tom Steyer: Keystone to Add Equivalent of 600,000 Cars [VIDEO]

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Tom Steyer of Farallon is out with another ad opposing Keystone XL. The billionaire hedge fund manager appears to be releasing new short ads opposing the pipeline every sunday, check out the latest along with a brief commentary from the hedge fund manager.

Extreme weather events are happening more often and with more ferocity — 35,000 weather records were broken last year, costing our economy 100 billion dollars. Keystone XL would make the problem worse, adding as much carbon pollution at 620,000 cars. President Obama: Do the right thing on Keystone.

Learn more at: http://www.keystonetruth.com/

Tom Steyer’s latest video is embedded below

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