Some Texas residents will soon get extra money each month as part of the guaranteed income program that aims to address income inequality. Specifically, this Texas guaranteed income program is for residents of Harris County. Under the program, eligible residents will get $500 per month for 18 months.
Texas guaranteed income program: how to apply
In June, Harris County approved the “Uplift Harris” program, a pilot program that will offer guaranteed income through cash assistance to some low-income households. Harris county has launched the program’s website to learn about the program.
“Despite the area’s vast prosperity, Harris County has among the highest rates of economic inequity in the country, with 16.4 percent of residents living in poverty,” the program’s website says. “Among other issues, the COVID-19 pandemic and economic inflation have magnified these inequities.”
This pilot program will give over 1,900 selected county households $500 per month for 18 months. Recipients will be able to use the monthly payments to pay for their essential needs, such as health care, groceries, rent, utilities and more.
Applications for the Texas guaranteed income program will open on January 8 and end on January 26. Residents can visit the program’s website to complete the interest form and receive notifications when the application opens. Selected applicants will receive their first cash assistance as early as March 2024.
Applicants will be able to apply online only. Those without access to a computer, tablet, smartphone, and/or the internet can visit an application assistance partner.
Uplift Harris program: who can apply?
The Texas guaranteed income program will offer cash assistance to 1,928 households living below 200% of the federal poverty line, equaling an income of about $60,000 for a household of four.
Households will be selected using a randomized process if they live in the 10 targeted high-poverty ZIP codes (77026, 77028, 77033, 77050, 77051, 77060, 77081, 77091, 77093, and 77547) or are registered in the ACCESS (Accessing Coordinated Care and Empowering Self-Sufficiency) Harris County program.
Participants from the ACCESS Harris County program will also be randomly selected for the Uplift Harris program. The ACCESS Harris County program aims to address multiple needs of the county’s most vulnerable populations through a care coordination team from Safety Net agencies.
Harris County’s Uplift Harris uses the $20.5 million American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant. GiveDirectly, an international nonprofit organization, will be responsible for managing the program, while the HCPH (Harris County Public Health Organization) will provide oversight and direction to GiveDirectly.
To promote this Texas guaranteed income program and help residents with the application process in the target ZIP codes, HCPH has partnered with 12 local nonprofit organizations. Also, HCPH community health workers are working with more than 100 businesses, nonprofits, apartment complexes, and community centers in the target ZIP codes to help residents’ register their interest online.
Visit the Uplift Harris website to get more information on the program.