As Pakistan celebrates its Independence Day, the country’s new government is transitioning to power. Imran Khan, the newly elected Prime Minister, is considered to be a force for change. He will be under pressure to fight corruption, help the middle-class flourish, create jobs by stabilizing the economy, and ensure justice for all levels of society. What are the political hurdles in this formidable challenge for Pakistan’s new coalition government? How will Khan lay out his foreign policy to deal with Pakistan’s neighbors and the wider Muslim world? And how might China-Pakistan relations evolve in the changed political landscape?
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One Look On Pakistan’s New Coalition Government
After a five year term from the outgoing government former cricket star Khan won Pakistan’s general election.
Khan has vowed to eliminate corruption and bring change to Pakistan.
Saturday the PTI sounded confident about the next session of the assembly in mid August declaring that they have the support to form a government. Will the coalition be able to effectively carry out the new prime minister’s agenda. In opposition before this election Khan was a strong critic of Nawaz Sharif and his handling of Chinese investment.
However he has since said that he is not the kind of calling. What does this election to the US questioned the process of the election and they did not contain the result. Meanwhile the company’s Beijing has begun scaling back training and education programs for dozens of Pakistani military officers and a whole month of bilateral relations Saturday night moved to Pakistan move away from theU.S.
What does that mean to China and Russia as Pakistan celebrates its Independence Day the country’s new government is transitioning to power in Iran.
Can the newly elected prime minister is considered to be a force for change. He will be the pressure to fight corruption help the middle class flourish create jobs by stabilizing the economy and ensure justice for all levels of society. What are the political hurdles in this formidable challenge for the new government. How will Ken lay out his foreign policy to deal with Pakistan’s neighbors and the wider Muslim world. And how might China Pakistan relations evolve into changing the political landscape. To discuss these issues and more today I am very happy to be joined in the interview by young vice president and senior research fellow with the China Institute of International Studies and zoon Mohammad Khan Research Fellow at school university. That’s our topic.
This is a dialogue I’m Jalo Ray Mouzon.
What comes to dialogue. My first question is very much about domestic politics of Pakistan. Of course we’re talking about the results of the campaign now. Clearly the newly elected Prime Minister failed to form a clear majority a coalition government means automatically that he will not make the fact that this is complete dead who will rely on power alone. So what do you think about the future.
Well I would actually like to say that having a coalition government and especially having the coalition government in three provinces can be a very interesting and a positive situation for Pakistan. The reason why I say that is for example in Balochistan the BJP whose leader is that Mengo has been a lot nationalist and given the fact that he’s willing to form a coalition with the federal government means that someone who was initially a Baluch nationalist wanted to be directly affiliated with the central government. This kind of situation leads to perhaps a little bit of compromise a little bit of give and take but if we didn’t thought.