While ISIS has declared itself to simply be the Islamic State, the majority of people still call the group ISIS. One notable exception is certainly President Barack Obama who continues to use the acronym ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). However, after yesterday perhaps the media and the president should look at ISILAR (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant And Rochester). Has a pretty nice ring to it and would include Mufid A. Elfgeeh of Rochester, NY who was charged yesterday with trying to recruit people to travel overseas to join ISIS aid well as conspiring to shoot Shia Muslims and returning American military servicemen and servicewomen here in the United States.
Purchased weapons from FBI source
According to court documents, Mufid A. Elfgeeh was arrested in May after he attempted to purchase two handguns with silencers in order to target Shias and American military personnel on U.S. soil. Unfortunately, for Mr. Elfgeeh, who was born in Yemen, he tried to purchase the weapons from a FBI informant working undercover with the law enforcement agency tasked with counter-terrorism both oversees and domestically.
Elfgeeh, who runs the Halal Mojo and Food Mart, was arrested in a Rochester parking lot after accepting a tackle box containing guns, ammunition and silencers from a confidential informant, authorities said.
While the firearms charges were made public in June, the recruitment charges were made public yesterday after the grand jury indicted him. In addition, to looking to purchase the guns from the informant, Mr. Elfgeeh is alleged to have tried to persuade him to go to the Middle East “and fight on behalf of ISIS.” Two other charges stem from him trying to recruit another FBI informant as well as another man in Yemen.
Twitter led to investigation on ISIS supporter
The documents suggest that the FBI began investigating the convenience store owner after, and why to criminals do this, he sent a variety of tweets in support of ISIS, al Qaeda as well as other international terrorist organizations. He even when so far as to one up the Mormans by suggesting a tithe of one third of peoples’ salaries to support Jihad.
“We wanted to start shooting those who were in the Army who went to Iraq” Elfgeeh was quoted in the complaint as saying. “It is a war.”
His war may will have to be put on the back burner if convicted.