As we get older, nearly all of us experience more and more physical problems. But Joseph Biden is obviously in excellent shape for a seventy-six-year-old.
In very sharp distinction to President Donald Trump, he is trim and exercises regularly. No wonder the president declined Biden’s challenge to a push-up contest. But he could have countered by suggesting a hamburger-eating contest.
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More importantly, despite occasional lapses, Joseph Biden is quite capable of providing coherent answers to complex public policy questions. But in comparison to Trump, Biden is the epitome of eloquence.
And yet, despite his apparent good health, Biden sometimes appears to be coming apart at the seams. Interestingly, these are physical rather than mental lapses.
On September 3rd, while addressing a CNN sponsored town hall, Joseph Biden’s left eye filled with blood. He was able to go talking, and this problem did not appear to be very serious.
Nine days later, while he was answering a question at the ABC-sponsored Democratic presidential debate, Biden appeared to be struggling to keep his dentures in his mouth. Still, people of any age might be alarmed if this were to happen to them.
Joseph Biden Impression On Americans
While neither problem appeared very serious, they surely left an indelible impression on the minds of many viewers. After all, seeing is believing, if you’ll forgive the pun.
Joseph Biden’s mental lapses when speaking – something he’s been famous for decades – may not be getting any worse with age. But much more than any physical problems, they should be taken seriously. Nevertheless, they are quantum leaps below those of our president, who appears to have major cognitive issues.
From a purely sadistic standpoint, it would be very interesting to see Biden and Trump facing off in a presidential debate. To make things especially interesting, perhaps the debate moderators could even insist on a push-up contest – or a hamburger-eating contest.