Gundlach on Apple : I’m Not Positive or Negative
DoubleLine Capital’s Jeff Gundlach says the easy money on shorting Apple has already been made.
Bond King Sits With Halftime
Jeff Gundlach, DoubleLine Capital CEO & CIO, says anything with a yield on it will be more valuable going forward.
okay, welcome back to the halftime report live. we’re joined for the whole hour by lee cooperman of omega advisers. he’s the chairman aceo. our next guest has been called the king of bonds by barons. he manages $60 billion. he is the ceo and chief investment officer atble line capital. he join us live to share his top trade areas. jeff, it’s great to see you. welcome back to halftime. hey, scott, yeah, it’s goods to be here. i finally make it to the set and you high tail it out to vegas. i wish you were sitting next to us. but we’re grateful to have you nonetheless. give us your thought on where we are right now in the markets. i think everything kind of begins and ends with quantitative easing. it’s really at the centerpiece of everything. it creates a demand for obviously treasury bonds. it creates a low basis of comparison that is keeping the trend towards anything with a yield on it as being successful investment that will continue to i think appreciate in value and lead to even more of a conen drum for investors in terms of what they’re su povd to do going forward. people have been fighting it. at some point, it’s going to end probably badly. but it’s still going on. the fed is not going to stop. probably about the eighth inning. and it’s going to continue to trend in the same direction i think. yeah, we obviously spend a lot of time talking about equities on the network, on this program. we know where the markets are at these record highs. leapt’s switch the conversation to your wheelhouse, that being bonds, treasuries. warren buffett on cnbc exclusively last week called them a terrible investment. i want your reaction to that. depends what your time-frame is. if you want to talk about 10 or 15 years, i think we should all home bonds represent an underperforming investment for the next 10 or 15 years. because if they don’t, it means that no one is going to have any investment return of any significant at all. over the short