Apple’s iCloud offers a great way to back up photos, so you don’t lose them, but sometimes the upload process pauses unexpectedly. Some users report that their iCloud uploads paused due to a low battery warning, but they were actually close to having a full charge. Thankfully, there is an easy way to fix that.
iClouds uploads paused for low battery
Many Apple users rely on Low Battery Mode for their iPhone or iPad so that they can get a lot more life out of their battery. It even turns on automatically when the battery reaches a certain level. When that happens, several activities that normally run in the background are paused, including iCloud uploads and other syncing and email checking.
Everything is supposed to return to normal when the battery reaches at least an 80% charge or Low Battery Mode is disabled, but according to Macworld, that doesn’t always happen, at least where iCloud uploads are concerned.
When this occurs, opening the Photos app brings up a message stating, “iCloud Photos updates are paused to save battery. Would you like to resume updates for one hour?”
The only two options are “Resume updates” and “Cancel.”
An easy fix
Some users report that iCloud uploads are paused even when their device is plugged in and charging, when their device has a greater-than 80% charge, and when Low Power Mode is off. In some cases, users are reporting that iCloud uploads are paused even when they have a full battery.
The easiest fix is to turn Low Power Mode on and then off to see if that corrects the issue. However, most of those affected don’t find that to be a good solution. If it does happen to your device and toggling Low Power Mode on and off doesn’t work, then there is a very simple fix. All you need to do is reboot the iPhone or iPad as soon as possible, and the problem is usually fixed.