I hooked up my accelerator pedal in my car to my brake lights. I hit the gas, people behind me stop, and I’m gone. Steven Wright
The Endless Search for Value
I know we have lessons to complete in Quantitative Value, but I also use this blog as a poster board to refer back to when assessing events, thoughts, and ideas.
After spending four hours groping through the Value Line’s 2,000 companies, I don’t find much of interest besides the uglies of Russian and Brazilian stocks, coal, uranium, silver and gold miners. Most readers here are too refined even to think of investing in such cyclical companies. What would your Momma say? Here is a company just pulled at random from Value-Line:
CPST_VL There is always hope Value or Death Trap? Going up the capitalization scale doesn’t help either: CRM The profits will come tomorrow. intc Will the bad news be priced in?
Fair value on the S&P 500 has three digits
We don’t know when the movie ends, just that it will end badly.