YouTube just got a major update, and along with it, comes some exciting new features. This is a staged update which means two things – you can either update the app right away (if it arrives on your phone) or you might need to wait longer. The new update definitely improves the overall YouTube experience as it comes with a brand new card-based UI, quick access to various shortcuts, fully-functional landscape tablet UI, and most significant of all – better in-app multitasking also known as picture-in-picture.
Samsung has previously introduced this concept in its Galaxy lineup, which lets users to pop-out a video window, while also navigating to different areas of the phone.
Multitasking feature of YouTube
These days, thanks to the bigger screen real estate area, it makes sense to use this new feature of YouTube. The first thing that you’ll need to do to use this multitasking feature of YouTube is to update the YouTube app on your Android phone or tablet.
When viewing a video, swipe down with one finger to minimize it, or tap on the arrow in the upper-left corner.
Once minimized, you can continue using the rest of the app normally. To maximize the video, simply swipe up.
To close the minimized video, swipe it to the left or right. You’ll also notice that the sound volume starts to fade with the motion.
Interestingly, this feature works only in portrait mode on smartphones. On tablets, it’s available in both orientations.
So go ahead, and give this new feature of YouTube app a try on your Android device.