The Galaxy S6 is expected to be unveiled at the upcoming Mobile World Congress, and the rumors continue to fly fast and furious. At this point we know pretty much everything there is to know about the smartphone. Samsung can’t possibly have any secrets about it left.
Sprint already marketing the Galaxy S6
Now we even have a photo posted by a Reddit user (spotted by Chris Smith of BGR) who claims to work at Sprint. Samsung is expected to launch two versions of the Galaxy S6, the standard S6 and a curved model that will be called the Galaxy S6 Edge.
Sprint started advertising the Galaxy S6 a few days ago even though Samsung still hasn’t officially unveiled the smartphone. The mobile carrier is trying to get consumers to register to learn more about the Galaxy S6 and win one. Sprint plans to give away six of the smartphones in the next few weeks.
Galaxy S6 photo posted on Reddit
This latest photo that was posted on Reddit appears to be part of a marketing campaign for the Galaxy S6. It uses the “Six Appeal” phrase we’ve already been seeing on teasers for the upcoming smartphone. It also names the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 edge, just as the rumors have been indicating. The giveaway for the new smartphone ends on March 26.
As the unveiling for the Galaxy S6 approaches, we’ve been hearing more and more about the smartphone. It’s been reported that Samsung is having yield issues with the Galaxy S6 edge due to the curved display. As a result, supply of the Edge models is expected to be constrained at first.
Also Samsung is actually expected to out-price Apple for once, as the rumored prices for the new Galaxy S6 smartphones are higher than the prices Apple set for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. If the price is as high as the report said it will be, then Samsung had better be planning on delivering on the rumor about the all-metal uni-body design. Previous Galaxy S models have stuck with plastic backings, presumably because metal is so much more expensive.