Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) recently launched an exclusive video channel for developers called Facebook Developers Live. This new website features news, speaking sessions, tutorials, and more. It will feature content for mobile developers, game developers, and web publishers.
Their first live event will be Feb. 19 and will feature Director of Product Doug Purdy. In the event, he will share three things developers need to know in 2013. The actual event starts at 10:oo am Pacific Standard Time/1:20 pm Eastern Standard Time. Developers who want to view the event can register now. There is no word on when registration closes.
The three keys Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) Developers Live focuses on includes the following:
Mobile developers will learn how to go deeper and grow their apps with Facebook
Game developers will learn how to build better games across web and mobile
Websites and publishers will learn how to use Facebook to drive traffic
It’s evident that Facebook wants to help developers create more games and mobile apps for their users. It’s also evident that they’re hoping to branch out with new services that only a savvy developers can create. Only time will tell if this new video channel proves to be successful.
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) already has a Developers Live program of their own and it features a comprehensive list of videos of their own including Google Apps Unscripted-February 2013, YouTube Developers Live: Debugging & Developers with Errors, and Android Developer Office Hours(EMEA edition). What’s more is that Google frequently puts up new videos every week, ensuring fresh news and reports for developers.
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) also recently released an update for their iOS app that features message upgrades, voice and video. It also has a neat little feature that alerts the user if one of their friends are nearby. The message upgrades allow users to take pictures when they compose messages on their phone or tablet. It’s a useful update that should satisfy Facebook fans.