Toei will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of Digimon all year long with a Digimon Adventure reboot and new films for the franchise. The company has released a trailer of the reboot and plans to release it in Japan in April. It’s unclear if or when it might be available in other markets with translations from Japanese.
Details on the Digimon Adventure reboot
Toei has created a website about the Digimon Adventure reboot. The story focuses on Taichi Yagami, a fifth grader the company describes as “active” and whose “body moves ahead of mouth.” The child’s partner is a bipedal reptile Digimon named Agumon with a special move that fires a bullet from its mouth.
A translation of the description in Japanese notes that the year is now 2020, and networks are now a key part of life. However, people don’t know that “beyond the network, the infinity world, the digital world,” there are Digimon.
A massive network failure occurs, mostly in the Tokyo area. News reports suggest cyber-terrorism. Taichi Yagami lives in an apartment tower near Tokyo. He was home alone preparing for a weekend camp, and his mother and sister were on a train to Shibuya that couldn’t stop. He goes to Shibuya to help them, but when he arrives at the train platform, something mysterious happens, and he enters the digital world. The “chosen children” meet their partner Digimon and go on an adventure.
Trailer also released
The company also released a trailer for the Digimon Adventure reboot on YouTube, which is embedded here. Toei Animation is collaborating with Fuki TV and Yomiuri Advertising Agency to produce the reboot.
More installments in the Digimon franchise are also planned for this year. According to PiunikaWeb, the most recent movie belonging to the franchise is Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. It’s a sequel to Digimon Adventure tri, which is set after the original Digimon Adventure series. The new installment is set five years after Digimon Adventure tri. Taichi and his friends are adults, and they learn that their partnership with Digimon will end soon because they aren’t children anymore.