Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (LON:BC94) (KRX:005930) has unveiled a new voice-controlled television at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas—ahead of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s long-rumored Apple Television set. Unfortunately however, the company won’t be ready to deliver content to it just yet.
The F8000 from Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (LON:BC94) will be between 46 and 75 inches, a similar size to the television Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is supposedly working on. It will also feature an advanced guide for content, a quad core processor and support for apps. Voice navigation will also be a major feature on the new TV.
The company also unveiled Smart Hub, which it called “five intuitive panels” which will enable users to navigate various content types. Just flipping the panels lightly can help users “discover five totally different experiences in Smart Hub, as if you have five new TV sets.”
In addition to the F8000, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (LON:BC94) unveiled a new line of OLED TVs which come with built-in speakers and higher screen resolutions than most of the other televisions that are currently available. The company’s new televisions will support YouTube, which Computer World’s Jonny Evans believes will give them a “good chance at success.”
At this point Samsung said it doesn’t yet have a full range of content lined up for its new television sets, but the company’s connections with YouTube, and by association, Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG), mean that it could provide quite a bit of television content free, which Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) probably won’t be able to do.