Sometimes we might need to refresh a web page often. Let’s agree that there are websites that automatically update, but not every website has this feature. Let’s say you’re eagerly waiting for your results to appear on a college website, or you want to see an updated score without manually hitting the F5 or refresh button—in this case you can use a Chrome extension named as Auto Refresh Plus.
Auto Refresh Plus is a Google Chrome extension that automatically refreshes the page at a pre-defined interval that you can set in the extension’s option. Once you set the interval, you can sit back and relax while this extension will do the hard work of refreshing the page at that particular interval.
Apart from refreshing the page, Auto Refresh Plus also supports content detection. This feature is very useful if you want to find some content in a dynamic webpage.
How to Auto Refresh in Chrome
Install the Auto Refresh Plus extension from Chrome Web Store. Once the installation is complete, you can see a new button in the toolbar. Now, open the web page that you want to reload automatically and then click on the extension button from the toolbar.
Next, select the time interval and then click on the Start button. You will now be able to see a timer instead of the icon, and when that timer hits zero, it will refresh the page automatically. You can click on that icon and then on Stop button to stop the refresh process.
You can also configure advanced options by clicking on the gear icon (as shown in the screenshot above). The Page Monitor option allows you to display a popup notification once it finds the target. Enable this feature and then click on the icon of this extension, and add some content in the text box to stop the refresh process when this extension detects that content. This means that you’ll need to know the contents that will appear on the website which will trigger the refresh process to stop. Of course, this content detection step is optional.
Once you configure this extension, you can continue working and browsing on other tabs. It will continue refreshing the page automatically, and it won’t matter if the tab is active or not.
For those who don’t like hitting the refresh button manually every time, they will love this extension. It surely is a little gem for Chrome users.